It started out as a curiosity then turned into a project for a committee at work, list of recipes from almost every country in the world. It's taken on a life of it's own, beckoning me to keep searching, digging and uncovering as much information as I can.
The list includes thousands of web sites. Some are nothing but recipes from a particular country or region. Some go into more detail about the cuisine and how it is different, or in some cases similar, to that of other countries. And there are some that have included beautiful pictures of the foods.
While searching I found sites written in the native language for that country. If I could read other languages, I could be sure of what was on the web sites but since I could not, I chose not to include them for now.
I decided to create a blog for my list so I could share it with all of you. I'll be adding more and more to the list as I have time. So in a few days I'll begin by starting with some of the countries and regions that start with the letter "A"
Happy reading!
hello! I love the website and will be comming back often. Have you checked out babel translators free on the web? just google "babel translators" and they have places that can translate whole web pages into what ever language you want.
I thought about that but am still overwhelmed with the number of sites I'm finding in English. Maybe once I get more posted on this blog, I'll begin to look at the foreign language sites.
really REALLY awesome site !!! you make my cooking heart sing ... now if i just had $$ to go and buy ingredients --- husband has been unemployed for too long and $$ is sooo tight . but it amazes me sometimes with how little some countries cook . thats why i keep hunting , trying to find elusive recipes that are tasty and cheap to cook .
thank you for all the work you put into this . i , for one , love it !!!
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